Today is a sad day for me. It marks the 1 year anniversary of my cousin Dean's passing. Getting to leave and head to his gravesite in a few moments, it is located about 3 miles from my house, makes driving by and getting on the freeway hard sometimes, because I have no choice but to look to the right and see his burial site.
He was such a wonderful, fun cousin to have. He always made me feel like such a beautiful, important person, all my life. He was super funny too.. always had some joke or sarcastic comment about something to say whether the timing was appropriate or not, you could not stop his sense of humor from taking center stage.
He also was the first person to introduce me to secular music... The DeBarge Family and Michael Jackson! Hahahaha I will never forget him putting those LP records on the turntable in the hallway of his parents house and educating me about the artists or turning on Soul Train really quietly in the front room so my uncle and aunt would not hear it. Ohh Dean.. sweet, crazy Dean... I so miss him.
Christmas 2010 was just not the same without his unannounced but totally expected entry into the room to greet us all with lots of hugs, kisses and that handsome smile of his!