My Husband and Kids

My Husband and Kids

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Girl Scout World Thinking Day

I am a GS Leader because I love my baby girl Nyla so much and it gives her and I a great way to connect as mom and daughter. For annual World Thinking Day which is celebrateD internationally by GS, I hosted a get together for my troop. Only 5 of 17 came but it was a great day. The 2011 Theme of WTD is Empowering Girls will Change Our World, so I went with a dress for success theme and asked the girls to dress and tell about what career goals they have for their futures. Also invited local police officers (female of course) to speak to the girls about working in law enforcement, a career usually associated with men. The girls did Lego building, made puzzles and ate lots of great, healthy food. It was fantastic! We were also featured in the Carmichael Patch online newspaper... check out the link for more details about the day and photos!

Mom and Son Trip

Azul and I had some one on one mom and son bonding time when we traveled to Oceanside, California in February to tour the California mission he was assigned for his 4th grade project. It was a great experience and I am so glad we had the time. It was his first airplane flight since the tender age of 8 months and my first time on a place since the 9/11 terrorist attacks so truly it was a brand new experience for the both of us!